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Conspiracy Theories, Warnings, and Things Worth a Closer Look

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Hi, I'm new to the board and had planned to just lurk, but this seems important!! I hope everyone doesn't hate me for this controversial topic.

Try watching this video with the volume turned down. Start at 20 seconds. If you understand people at all, then watch this and ask yourself what this woman is thinking and feeling.

WATCH FROM :20 to :50 WITH THE VOLUME OFF!! Most communication is non-verbal, and the words aren't where the real communication takes place here:

If you know people, if you can detect BS and when a person's words don't match their face and body language, then you know THERE IS NO WAY THIS WOMAN'S SON JUST DIED!! No way. She's just thrilled to be on TV and thrilled to be meeting Anderson Cooper. You can read that in her face and her body language like an open book -- pure excitement, zero sadness! She's excited about the attention she's getting -- real people don't care about that when their child was just murdered!! When you turn the volume back up, you'll see that she doesn't start showing anything approaching sadness until Anderson Cooper almost TELLS her she should be showing sadness. Something fishy going on here.

Because everything matters.

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